How to get certified in Data Science


There are lot of offering from various universities and different organization but at the time of writing this article the courses that i explored are below. Once i explore more i will either amend this article or write additional articles to get you the information. That said, This article not sponsored by  either of the organization listed below.

  • Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science track
  • SAS® Academy for Data Science

Microsoft offers only online self paced course . But SAS academy offers both online and In-class option.Continue to learn more.


The course is offered through the edX (MOOC) platform .There are two available options to choose, R track and other is Python track. You could choose either one of the options depending on your interest.You will learn more about the track in the orientation class.

About the Track
  • Data Science Orientation
  • Query Relational Data
  • Analyze and Visualize Data
  • Understand Statistics
  • Explore Data with Code
  • Understand Core Data Science Concepts
  • Understand Machine Learning
  • Use Code to Manipulate and Model Data
  • Applied Data Science
  • Final Project
  • Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Data Science

Now that we learned basic information on what is need to get certified now lets look at how much would it cost to learn. Any once could audit the course for free or pay USD $99 per course to get a verified certificate .As per the Microsoft website, you need to get verified certificate for all the courses to get called Microsoft certified professional. As there are 10 courses it would cost about USD $ 990.

Financial Assistance and Discounts:

If this is over your budget you could apply for the Edx financial assistance. Learn more by clicking here.  Also,for time to time there are coupons and promo codes that are available on major coupon platform that would get you anywhere from 10% to 50% off on your verified certificate. Try googling “edx coupon”



I really love the caption by SAS Academy. Big shout out to the team who thought about this.

Don’t just think like a data scientist. Become one.

That said,SAS® Acadamy offers both in class and as well as the in-class options. Though this looks like robust program, it requires lot of dedication and self motivation to accomplish the goal.

As per the website, To become Certified Data Scientist. You need to be certified in both Big Data Professional and Advanced Analytics Professional tacks.

Check this image below.

Here is the Curriculum. Before registration Below are the

Prerequisite Skills: 

To enroll in the program, you need at least six months of programming experience in SAS or another programming language. We also recommend that you have at least six months of experience using mathematics and/or statistics in a business environment. If you’re just getting started or need to brush up on your skills, we recommend:

Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression or Logistic Regression – available as an instructor-led course or free online e-learning course.

And one of the following:

SAS® Data Science Certification Curriculum
  • Courses
    19 Courses :Course content is designed to prepare you for the certification exams.


  • Case Studies
    Real-world case studies enable you to apply what you’ve learned.


  • 5 Exams
    Pass all five exams to earn your certification credential.

Now that you know little bit more about about this offering, lets look at the how much would it cost.

Self-Paced e-Learning costs total of US $4400

Certification Fee
SAS Certified Big Data Professional US $2,250 (a $300 savings!)
Big Data Preparation, Statistics, and Visual Exploration US $1,275
Big Data Programming and Loading US $1,275
SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional US $2,250 (a $300 savings!)
Predictive Modeling US $850
Advanced Predictive Modeling US $850
Text Analytics, Time Series, Experimentation, and Optimization US $850
SAS Certified Data Scientist US $4,400 (a $700 savings!)


Classroom $16,000 (a $2000 savings)  

Certification Dates Location Fee
SAS Certified Big Data Professional May 30 – Jul 16 Cary, NC US $9,000
SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional Jul 17 – Aug 22 Cary, NC US $9,000
SAS Certified Data Scientist May 30 – Aug 22 Cary, NC $16,000 (a $2000 savings)
Financial Assistance and Discounts:

Apart from the seasonal discounts ranging upto 30% discount below are the other options that SAS Academy provides

The following discounts are available. Discounts cannot be combined.

SAS Training Points: SAS Training Points can be purchased and used to pay for Academy offerings.

Academic discount: Educators, students (part- and full-time), and staff directly employed by or enrolled in a K-12 or degree-granting academic institution or school district are eligible for a 50% discount off the price of the Academy. Proof of affiliation is required (e.g. valid identification card, a letter from Human Resources on institution letterhead, or a copy of your current semester transcript). Promo Code: A50

Partner discount: SAS partners are eligible for a 50% discount off the price of the Academy. Promo Code: APD

Veterans discount: U.S. veterans, active-duty service members and their spouses are eligible for a 50% discount off the price of the Academy. Promo Code: VTC50


SAS® Academy for Data Science website provides lot of additional information. if you are interested i recommend browsing this link.


Disclaimer: Logos used are the property of the respective organization. These are used for information purposes only.

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